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Read the stories below written by Willard Middle School students. We hope they can help you in some way. Submit your story to us if you would be willing to let us share it to help others.

Stories: Welcome

Stories: Quote

To all the girls out there,
My opinion is you shouldn't HAVE TO HAVE a boyfriend, especially at this age. Here...take my personal experience...I was in a relationship with a really great guy for a year. I really thought I was in love, but what does love actually look/feel like? Well, idk, but I do know when he broke up with me, I was literally devastated. Girls, at this age, guys don't care about your feelings. They just want to have a girlfriend to make themselves "look better" (if you know what I'm talking about). 
Heartbreak is a real thing, it happens, it's a part of life. You're going to experience it, but I wouldn't get into a relationship until you're ready to deal with getting broken up with.
I thought that I really loved this guy, I thought I didn't have to listen to my mom about me not being ready. I thought I was ready, but I wasn't.  I thought I loved him, but I didn't really. 
Please be cautious because I don't want you to have to go through what I did because it hurts a lot. 
I'm sorry if any of you have been or are going through this. I love you...stay strong!

Stories: Quote


The only other sound than the humming crickets is my soft breath. The night sky as my blanket, with thousands of stars hanging like ornaments. I had made a decision that would change my life forever; this was the night I left.

I hid under my blanket scared for my life; it was happening again. Just like every night, my brother and my dad were arguing. At a sudden stop it went silent. I ran out of my room, but then my brother stomped down the hall and stopped and looked at me, “What are you looking at faggot?” he said sharply.

“N-n-nothing,” I stuttered as the blood from my face drained; I knew what was coming. He lifted up his hand and my eyes went shut.

Later that night... “What happened?” my dad said not really caring.

“I ran into a door,” I responded quickly, “honestly.” I looked down ashamed at myself for lying.  He can’t know the truth.

“Ok,” he said not even thinking about it, “happens a lot.”

After a short silence, I went to my room. Tears started to flood. “Why...why does he do this? What did I do to deserve it? I can’t handle this any longer,” I sobbed.

Tiptoeing with my black backpack, the soft jingle of the keychain, I was running away. This is real, like for real. I have all the supplies but one thing left I have to do. I lock my door and tell my dad I’m going to bed. “Hey, dad?!” I said loudly. “I'm going to bed,”

“Ok,” he responds.  Mission accomplished.

If you don’t understand now, you never will. Nothing hurts more than to love someone that doesn't love you. Praying. Begging for him not to go to your room like he always does. It drives you crazy. Tears start to flood, you know what he’s going to do to you. You try to hide, but he’ll always find you. Am I too complicated to love? Every possibility ran through my mind always blaming myself. It just feels like I can’t talk anymore, about anything. To anyone. I’m falling apart in front of everyone. Right in front of your eyes, but you never see me. Am I really that worthless? I feel so empty. Don't you see you hurt me more than I'll ever deserve? And I love you more than you'll ever deserve. No, I’m wrong, you'll never deserve love, but that doesn't stop me.

By now I was far from home, and far from where I have ever been. Snuggling up to blanket on the wet grass. Laying it down like having a picnic, then laying down my head up to the stars, closing my eyes to listen to the music of the wind. Dark thoughts creeping up on me the wonders of the woods twirling in my mind. No I’m not going to think that way. “Be happy,” I thought and that was my last thought of the night as I drifted off into the world of dreams and nightmares. What dream will I have?

It had been a week since I had ran away, and I needed more supplies. I only had two choices. One, die of starvation and dehydration. Or option two, go home. Welp. THIS IS GONNA STUCK. I know my way back home from the train I left. I slowly back tracked my steps, thinking what to say to my dad, and finally I got it.

I finally made it home to the front steps of my house. I put my hands on the door and knocked. My dad answered the door. “Where have you been?!” he yelled angry.

“I’ve been many places,” I say annoyed.

“COME HERE!” he said sturndly.

“Yes sir?” I respond, and he grabbed my wrist, dragging me into the house. He then dragged me down the hall, threw me into my room, and locked my door.

He left me there for days. After what felt like eternity, he finally opened the door and said,
Next time, don't come back.”

Stories: Quote

Drugs/Foster Care/Adoption
I’d really like to understand everything that I’ve been through. Wouldn’t everyone? It’s so difficult not knowing how to fix the mess in your life, or what path is right to take when you feel like you’re all alone.
When I was a toddler, I was being taken away from my “parents” every few weeks. I was going back and forth to houses that I’d never seen before, people I’d never met. My biological mother and father were drug addicts. And nothing anyone would say would get them to tell the truth about the illegal stuff that they had been doing. I never met my biological father, only my step father. My biological mother, wouldn’t tell anyone who he was or anything about him.
Even though I got almost whatever I asked for, when I did something wrong, my step father would hurt me. They lied to me my whole life living with them. I always thought we were the richest people ever. We had a lot of stuff, but we were constantly moving houses. Really my parents had no money, no job; people gave them stuff and helped us. We got rented houses to stay in, but they acted like we were really wealthy.
My mother had a lot of mental health problems. I was taken from my home and put into foster care for a few years. It was awful. Nowhere I lived felt like a real home. I had no family. Even when I was visiting back at my biological mom and step dad's house, I wished that I lived there again. But even if I did go back and live with them, it wouldn’t be my home. I had already gone. I felt absolutely miserable walking into a complete stranger’s house, having to sleep there.
When I turned eight, I moved into my kindergarten teacher’s house, and she became my mom. She adopted me, my biological brother, and sister. Finally we were in the best and safest family ever. We weren't separated anymore.

Stories: Quote


Cutting, it’s a very serious thing, but most people think people do it for attention. Most people do it to die. I do it so I can feel something again, I don’t wanna die I just wanna feel. Not many people know I do it. I don’t want people to think that I am doing it for attention. No one takes this stuff serious till that person is gone. So if you know of someone who is doing this, get them help! I know it might be hard because maybe they will be mad at first, but they will thank you. That person is begging you for help, but they don’t know how to act. I always wear jeans and no one asks why. I almost always wear long sleeves and no one asks. Even when it’s hot outside I am almost always in jeans. I am getting help. Luckily my mom is taking it very serious and getting me the help I need.  I just wanted you to be aware.

Stories: Quote

Broken Friendship
I never wanted to fight with her and I didn’t mean for it to ever happen, but it happened. Everything changed when it happened, my perspective of life, my awareness, my emotions, I'm currently in  8th grade and this happened earlier in my 8th grade year; she is a freshmen in high school.
This friendship started when I was 7th grade. We met in the lobby while someone was introducing me to her and I wanted to be friends because I had none in the beginning of 7th grade. Everyday we would walk together, laughing, smiling, making jokes, and becoming the best of friends.
I have never had a friend like her because I have had barely any friends ever since… forever. She made me smile everyday and we became mega best friends soon. Last day of school came around and it became the saddest day of my life she was leaving (I also had a lot of 8th grade friends when I was 7th grade because of her.) The last bell rang and I couldn’t believe she was leaving, a great friend of mine came running towards me crying hugging me after running and I started to have tears run down my face starting to miss her like I missing my best friend. I told her goodbye and walk out the door and there she was waiting, I walked over and she gave my a great big hug and more tears are about to run down my face again.
We took a picture then waved goodbye, tears start to run down my face like rain and I never cry this much because how tough I am, but a friend like her I had to she changed my life. I never could’ve been me now if it weren’t for her.
8th grade came around and our friendship was going downhill and I told her something that changed everything, that made everything go downhill. I lied to her about something I’m not talking about. We didn’t talk for over 2 months, it was the worst 2 months of my life. Then she texted me when we were talking about something serious and then she texted “maybe see you around.” I was devastated and I went into a bathroom and cried for over 2 hours. Time was ticking and we were becoming more like “no mega best friend”. My brother Eli  is friends with her and sometimes he will talk about her and he doesn’t like her he is a sophomore in high school, everytime he says something about her I get a little tingle inside I don’t know why. She told me in email that I need to move on from what happened. I didn’t just lie I said a lot of things they weren’t that bad but they were kinda bad to where we don’t ever talk ever.
I started all of this and didn’t mean to go this far. She became an important person in my life and now she is… I can’t explained. It’s only a matter of time before I get to high school and I see her again, I don’t know what will happen but I’m scared to find out. Now I guess you could say we are “friends” but also weren’t not and I wish that none of this ever happened and I don’t want it to happen again not now. But I have move on and I have tried and tried to fixed everything I have done but not a lot didn’t work and it’s fine now because I need to forget and I need try to move on.
Never ever lie to your best friend or things will be difficult in the future and I know what it’s like because I’ve cried over everything that has happened so far. Things have to change and Everyone needs a chance to try again. Give me a chance please...

Stories: Quote


Long story short, my grandma took me and my older brother away from my mom when I was two (my brother was five.) I got taken away and put into a foster home for a week with people who refused to change my diaper. Afterwards my grandma adopted me and my brother, she changed my name, and we weren't allowed to see my mom or dad because they were alcoholics.

A year passed, I was now allowed to see my mom but I wasn't allowed to live with her. My dad left, and then my little brother was born, he had a different dad than me, he then left later on, and my mom hasn't spoken a word about him whatsoever, none of us even know he his name.

I now live with my mom, she's ten years clean. But if she says one wrong thing to my grandma then me and my brother get taken away again, and my grandma will use the fact that my mom was an alcoholic ten years ago to get us taken away and never see my mom again.

I have two homes, I get dropped off and picked up from the bus at my grandma’s house, then my mom or her boyfriend/my step dad will come pick me and my older brother up and take us home(my mom’s.) But me and both of my brothers are forced to stay the entire weekend with my grandma, at one point we had to stay there four times a week, and barely see my mom, it’s changed since then luckily. I have a good relationship with both my mom and my grandma, I just wished they could learn to love each other again.

Stories: Quote

Be Yourself - -
When I was in sixth grade I was going to do anything and everything to help myself make friends because it was especially hard for me in sixth grade. I was in so much trouble in sixth grade, I was most definitely a troubled kid. I had tried committing suicide in sixth grade twice and it’s because of the friends that I had didn’t have a good influence on me, they always made me feel bad about myself, they always told me about the negative never the positive. I thought I knew better than everyone else, I thought I knew they were great friends, I thought I knew they loved me. turns out.. They were all being fake to me because they felt bad for me. So, instead of being so focused on doing things that hurt yourself just to have “ cool “ friends.. Do the stuff that makes you happy, surround yourself with people that make you happy and you’ll be happy. I am currently in eighth grade, I’m still having a hard time with trying to do stupid stuff to make people like me, but I’ve gotten waaaaay better and I’m most definitely a happier person by far. Just be yourself, people who love you will surround you, especially people who love you for you. Don’t try to be someone else just so someone will like you. After not caring what all those “ cool “ people thought of me, I’m living a way better life that I had been before.. It will take time, just work on it. ‘ When someone judges you, it isn’t actually about you. It’s about them and their own insecurities, limitations, and needs.’ Be yourself, be you, be happy. ️

Stories: Quote

Parents’ Drug Addiction

I grew up with a zigzag family--I lived with my mom, then my dad, then my grandma, but none of those places felt like home. When I lived with my mom and dad together, they would fight, not physically, but they would yell and slam things, so my grandma let me stay with her. It was amazing staying there most of the time, but my grandpa didn’t like me.

My mom and dad were struggling with a drug addiction, so I was with my grandma a lot. She welcomed me in her home and loved me, but I still had to see the drugs and the other bad things. This happened all my life.

When I turned seven, my grandpa's son (my grandma’s step son) starting causing problems. He is an awful person. He had just became a father and didn’t care. He went to jail for drugs, and so my grandma and grandpa had to take care of his daughter. The baby girl’s mom went to jail a month later as well.

This was grandpa’s first real grandkid. He told me I wasn't good and I was ugly all the time.  I don't know if my grandma saw it or not, but it was ignored and allowed. I got depression from that and got mad and sad at the world. This went on and on for a few years.

My mom was around all the time, and so I would stay with her, my brother, and my sister. They had a best friend, Alex, and we all would stay at my mom’s house, so it was like I had another brother. One day there was a party and Alex went without my brother and sister, and he took some pills and mixed it with other things. He started to feel bad, so he laid down. His friend who was there found him and thought he was ok. He checked on him few times, but the last time Alex didn't wake up.  That was on the 28th of December.

During that same month, my dad decided to get clean, and after Alex died he told all my siblings’ friends to stay clean and healthy. The first is my birthday, so it was hard to have fun three days after that, so we planned it for the sixth, but that was the day of the funeral. People say that grown men don’t cry, but my dad did. It was like all the times he didn’t cry, just came now. I didn’t really have a party because nobody came that year.

The next few weeks went by fast. Then my grandma got a call to go to the hospital.  She told me my dad had been sick for a few days. He had went to the hospital, but he wouldn’t let the doctors do their job and help him. They wanted us to go to the hospital to convince him to let them do their job, but ten minutes later they called again and said to get down there NOW!!! We rushed down. When we walked into his room we saw him there gasping for water because he couldn’t drink nothing. His legs were purple and yellow and already looked dead. We stayed in the hospital for three days. He coded four times. The third day he died.

I now stay at my sister’s house because how I am treated at my grandparents house hurts my emotions. It’s good at my sisters and I’m happy. I still see my mom some now. She got her life together and she is doing good.

Stories: Quote

 Deaf Parents

It all started whenever I was 6 years old I was at school and a lot of people were making fun of my parents because they are deaf. I would come home crying about it because they were hurting me and making me feel like I was unwanted in the school just because my parents were deaf.

Whenever I got older it was happening again I would explode on them because they were making me upset and sometimes the next day I would be so mad that I did not work on what I needed to. Some people think that they know what I have been through but they don’t know what I am going through it is just hard the way it is for me sometimes I just wish that people can stop making fun of my parents.

Stories: Quote

My Experience With Being Bullied

So, I didn’t really start getting bullied until the sixth grade and everything got really bad, and it continues to get worse. In sixth grade when the whole bullying thing got really bad, I became very suicidal. I did have social media at the time...that’s where all the bullying happened.

I had problems with a few people. I had a boyfriend at the time; we had been together for awhile--about half a year. Then we mutually decided to take a break for awhile and be with other people. He all of a sudden started spreading rumors about me because I was a “ bad” person. Then he was friends with this one girl, so this girl thought she should hit me up on Instagram and chew me out for hurting him. She was the reason I was depressed in sixth grade. People tell me, “You can’t be depressed because of something one person says to you.” Well, actually, you can.

I also had a very awful group of friends that year that always made me feel awful about myself. My mom told me they were toxic and I shouldn’t be friends with them, but did I listen, no.. I thought I knew better than my mom, but it eventually got bad enough, I tried commiting suicide.

I got called down to the counselor’s office and she was talking to me about attempting. She then called my mom and told her too. Things got a little better for a while because I deleted my Instagram, I wasn’t allowed to have one anymore. Then again I disobeyed my parents and made a new one. The cyber bullying started happening again and it got worse and worse. It got bad enough that I tried commiting suicide again. I did not get called to the counselor’s this time, but my brother saw my wrists and told my parents. Then my parents found out about my Instagram and then again made me delete it.

The summer before my seventh grade was really good. Then seventh grade came along, it was a very good year, no bullying, no Instagram, and a boyfriend ( we dated for about a year ). In general it was just a very good year. Then eighth grade came and I thought since I had an amazing year in seventh grade that eighth grade was going to be just as great maybe even better, but it hasn’t been. I still have no social media, but the bullying is worse than it was in sixth grade. People just think it’s okay to come up to me and say stupid stuff like “Go kill yourself, you’re not worth living,” “You’re ugly,” “ You’re fat,” etc. It’s been getting on my nerves really bad.

But here is where the difference is. Even with all the negative stuff, I’m not gonna kill myself. I have learned how to deal with it. I have learned not to let the hatefulness of others break me. If you are in this situation, just know life is hard, but God gave you this life because he knows you’re strong enough to handle it. :)

Stories: Quote


In kindergarten, I was very normal for my age. I was always wanting to be normal, but I struggled to gain friends.

I tried to be like everyone else. In one scenario I was asked my favorite color. I heard another kid that I liked as a friend say green and so I said green. My favorite color is blue and this meant a lot to me, but I wanted friends.

Later in time I had a mullet and that meant a lot to me, but I had no friends. At recess, I would read books in the grass and no one offered to play with me. But with my difference I made a difference for someone else. I made a choice to cut 10 INCHES of hair from my head and give it to a corporation that made wigs for cancer patients. I truly made a difference. I was made fun of but that was the least of my worries. I made my hard work their praise I hope.

When 6th grade rolled around, I started to make a few friends. I’m not gonna name names… I thought we were good friends until later in the year when someone had a crush on me. I said that I wouldn't date till high school but we became friends and my friend didn't like me being friends with her, but I did anyway.

So now I'm in middle school and I'm living more free than ever. And now that I'm in theater also, I have way more friends and I actually have some history with them. Also I’m just now coming out as a theater kid, but that doesn't matter, what matters is that your abnormal and different and when you are, stay that way! If you ask any kid in any extracurricular activity that takes tryouts, how they made it, they will tell you hard work and most likely ignoring everyone's negative comments because you are special and great at what you do.

Be Yourself, and I swear your life can improve.

Stories: Quote


I am a curious boy. I see stuff I don’t know much about; I wonder about it and do research on it. The thing is there is one thing I couldn’t find in a computer to answer my questions. These answers weren’t given to me through a search engine. So, read this and your question, “What the actual cheese and crackers is he talking about?” will be answered.

It was just a day like every other. I was a six year old doing six year old things. I was in the bathroom and I looked in the mirror and saw these little scars and bumps on my head. Wondering what they were, I asked my mom what happened and she told and showed me everything about the accident..

“You were sitting in your dad’s lap in your dad’s semi truck. We ran into the back of another semi and glass went everywhere,” she breathed, “You fell underneath the dashboard. Your dad died..”

She then showed me the news report about our accident. I don’t know for sure, but I think the camera was on me for a second while I was on a stretcher. It was a lot to take in, and considering I was young, I didn’t think much of it until I grew older.

In 3rd grade I got bullied about my scars. People would call me names. (most commonly) “Frankenstein.” Older kids can be cruel.

In 5th grade I started thinking of my scars again and realized how lucky I was. Who knows what could’ve happened to me, the amount of damage I SHOULD have gotten from that accident. Nothing was wrong with me. I shouldn’t have survived that in the least bit, but I did. Also, I realized this must’ve been tough for my mom and I instantly had sympathy for her.

Then I started noticing how tough it was living without a dad. Seeing all these kids play catch or basketball with their dads really got to me. It was tough, but I pulled ahead knowing I could survive, it would just be tougher.

To this day I am doing great. Everything is fine and I have some great friends to help me out!

So, this goes to show that you think you don’t have a purpose, but you do! Just keep trying to find it. When you think about it, it’s crazy how many people doubt themselves and bring themselves down and destroy themselves over the tiniest stuff. That doesn’t have to be you. Never has and never will.

There is hope somewhere out there. You just need to find it. Dig Deeper.

Stories: Quote

So it all started when I was seven and my parents got divorced. My dad then moved in with my grandma and grandpa. I remember going back and forth between my parents’ house, but little did anyone know, my dad’s house was my worst nightmare. I can remember every night that I was at my dad’s, my grandpa would come into my my room and touch me. He would touch me in places a 7 year old should never be. I can remember he would grab my butt when I was walking down the hallway. He would try and get naked in front of me when we were home alone. I always thought I was alone and for 4 years I was. I can never explain as to why I never told anyone but I didn't and I regret that everyday. This was happening almost every night until I was eleven. So if something like this is happening to you, please tell someone because I can promise you, you aren't alone.

Stories: Quote

A Tale of Two Families
I was born the third of four to my biological parents. I had two older sisters and one younger brother. My parents were young when they married and quickly overwhelmed with life and four kids. They didn’t know how to say no to drugs.
My two older sisters lived with our poppy and eventually my brother and I did too. My poppy was single with a teenage son and four little kids. Poppy did his best to work hard and provide for us, but taking care of a teenager and four kids was not easy. He was faced with a painful decision; he wanted the best for all of us and knew he couldn’t do it all by himself. So, my little brother and I went to live with a super nice foster family while everything got sorted out.
We lived there for over a year along with two other kids. Eventually the decision was made that my little brother and I were going to be adopted. In the meantime my poppy met a very nice lady who already had two kids. The two kids that my poppy had and the two kids this nice lady had all became one nice, big, happy family. So, now I have four big sisters and still only one little brother.
I was really sad because I wanted to see my sisters all the time like I was used to. So, my new family started going to the church where my sisters attended. We all eat lunch together after church. Another super cool thing is some of my biological dad’s family goes there too. I see uncles and cousins from that side of my family.
Life is still not perfect, I still think about my biological family a lot, and I still worry lots about them too. I pray for them, but I know I’m where I’m supposed to be. I do someday hope to find out where my biological parents are. I know my biological parents have split and my mom remarried to this guy named Kyle. My biological mom had four more kids with Kyle. She had three more girls and one more boy and Kyle already had a daughter, so this means I have eight sisters and two brothers. I don’t get to see the kids that still live with my biological mom, nor am I allowed to see my biological mom or biological dad.
A follow up on my biological dad is his life hasn’t changed one bit after he and my biological mom separated. He still goes to jail at least once a month, he still does drugs, and he still is an alcoholic. My biological mom is 32 years of age and living a good life;  my dad is now 33 years old and still living his not so great life. I’m very happy with the family I am currently living with. I am living in a house with my biological brother who is at the age of 11. He’s the one who’s been through everything with me. I love my family so much.
Just know if you’re going through the same thing or something similar, it WILL be okay. There is hope!  I’m living a way happier life being adopted than I would have not being adopted. Life is good and only continues to get better.

Stories: Quote

My S.T.O.R.Y

Anxiety is not just a thing, it’s a person, waiting and listening to every step, word and movement you take. It will try to be your friend and your family in places you just want to be alone. In a box, unable to breath or escape, with nothing left but just a little hope left in that tiny little box. See for me, this is a normal thing that I learned how to hide to show that I’m not crazy or insane. This “person” first showed me this way of life in 5th grade. I had many friends when I was 11, teachers loved me too and thought that I tried my best in each class and was always kind. But one faithful day I let “it” shake my hand, and that’s when it all started.

It was just a normal day like any other... work, read, and study. But then I started getting hot and freaking out when I got called on to answer a question. It was like I couldn’t breath, so I answered the question as fast as I could then went to go to the nurse. Everyone told me I was fine and it was just a “faze” that everyone goes though. Until it started happening over and over again. When that happened, teachers started looking at me like I was going crazy, even people that would try to “help” me. After that point, teachers started to call my parents and I lost everyone I knew. Even my family didn’t listen to me at first. One day one of my teachers told me to go out in the hallway, and that made my anxiety reach a whole new level.

In the halway my teacher told me that I can’t do this anymore, it was uncalled for, and not correct behavior. That was my first time going to the principal's office. On top of that, it was hard not being able to walk the halls anymore without someone whispering or staring at me like I was crazy, but that day I lost my life with just one “body change.” Later in life, I got some medicine from the doctor that was suppose to “help” with this “issue.” That medicine was made more for the people that their emotions go all crazy. It did help a little bit, but it made me constantly tired and made me a “worse” student in my classes.  

Two years went by, and it was the hardest years of my life. As time went by though, I finally found some friends that are still with me even today. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s still not great, but I choose to grab my life back by the hand, but I’m still trying to reach for it. I guess what I’m trying to say is that, even though you might have no one there by your side, you have to one day imagine what can or will happen in the future. Also the reason why I written S.T.O.R.Y like this is because it stands for something that can help you though.

S - suffering / struggling        T - through      O - our    R - rising      Y - youth

Stories: Quote

Some of my story

I have abandonment issues. I don’t like getting close to people because they always leave me. When I was born, my mom was 15 about to turn 16. She wasn’t able to take care of me, so she gave me to my aunt and uncle. Then when I was 6, my mom wanted me back. From then on, it has become a pattern. She’ll take me, then leave again, take me, then leave me again, etc. Many people have left me to the point that I don’t see a reason trying to make friends or anything.

Stories: Quote


I remember when everytime I would go to church camp, I would never have anyone to hang out with. When I tried to talk to people, I just didn't fit into their interests. I would freak out thinking, “I won’t have anyone to hang out with.“ Then end thinking, “Everyone hates me. I don’t belong.“

When I go through friend drama, it feels like nobody's ever on my side. I recently gave my friend an apologizing note, but she returned another note saying how she had always tried to get rid of me since the day she met me. That really burned me down. She made me feel like trash, which sucks. I had already been self conscious about my looks and weight that week. I don’t know why I was suddenly so doubtful about myself. It's horrible, and she just piled on to that. Making me feel even worse about myself. In some way I’m glad we aren’t friends anymore because she would call me annoying everyday and one day she even called me fat. She made me feel self conscious everyday, I just didn’t realize it until now.  I’m glad I only knew her for one year because who knows what she would have done in three years.

I wish I never got this dumb anxiety disorder.  I make losing something a 10 when it should really be a 2. On the first day of school, I only got lost once, Looking for Coach Henry's classroom.  My friend was with me too, so I wasn't freaking out all alone. Thankfully, a teacher took us there.

Nobody's lives are perfect no matter how much you want it to be. Life sucks, but we were born for a reason right? We need to just fight through it no matter our imperfections. People only judge you and you judge people just so you feel better about yourself. People only bully you because usually there is something bothering them in life. And even if you don't want to talk to them that's probably all they need, they need someone to talk to. Everyone makes mistakes, even the most popular people at this school.  Something happens in everyone's lives. Somebody needs to make everyone nicer and caring about others, So get out there and make the world a better place.

Stories: Quote

The Story of Unbroken Friendship

Once upon a time there was a boy, a teacher, and a girl.  When the teacher made her seating arrangements, she had no idea she would spark a friendship that would last through thick and thin. She had no idea she join two children together and put their souls into perfect harmony. She had no idea.

It started on the first day of school; she was one seat away from me and I never knew she would be my best friend. It was planted whenever I looked at her and tried to get to know her name. We started a conversation and found the things that overlapped, the things we loved were similar. The things we despised of as well. From then it only got better.

Back then we really hadn’t had any problems or rough patched roads. Everything was so simple, we never knew how complex the world really was… it was like me and my friend against the world. But slowly we discovered evil agendas and horrible monsters that lurked in darkest and most complex corners in the world.

Soon our friendship had accepted the test of being tested. Leaving us with rivers flowing from eyes, as others stood and watched. We were being threatened by the world and its dark forces.But things got better and from these challenges our friendship grow stronger, the heart of it beating so loud it scared away the evil and we became so much closer.

This is a reminder, to find your friend, take on evil, and grow closer to someone to the point where nothing can rip you apart. They are out there, you just have to find them...

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18 Wheels

          September 30th was the day I almost died, the day I should have died, but I didn't.  It was a Tuesday, at 8:30 pm, and I was coming home from dance. My mom and I had to stop by Walgreens to pick up my older brother’s earbuds.  She even got me an Oreo chocolate bar so I didn't go hungry.  I feel like I remember everything crystal clear, but it all happened so fast, maybe a little too fast.

          I hopped in the car after saying bye to my friends at dance, my mom greeted me and said we had to stop by Walgreens to pick up my brother’s wireless earbuds.  I nodded while chugging the remaining amount of water from my worn out water bottle.

          “We’re almost done with our Halloween dance.  We ended up covering a minute and thirty two seconds all in an hour, which is insane and really frickin’ hard,” I sighed, as I wiped off the beads of sweat rolling down my face, “and we also started learning how to do the C jum. Miss Maddie yelled at me and Max because she thought we were making fun of the C jump, but in reality we were just making fun of the way I did it because I basically butchered the move.” My mom chuckled as she pulled out of the Dance Canvas parking lot.

          “Did you tell her you were just mocking yourself?” she questioned, and I shook my head no. “Oh, well that might be why, maybe if you told her you weren't making fun of the move then she probably wouldn't have snapped at you,” she said and pursed her lips together.  I simply nodded in reply and turned up the radio so I could jam out to “Youngblood” by 5 Seconds of Summer. 

          By the time we got out of Walgreens, I had taken over the aux cord and was blasting One Direction, “Where do Broken Hearts Go”. As the music started to dial down, I began to look for another song to play.

“Ahh this is a good song, I don't know if you've heard it though, but it's another One Direction song,” I laughed as I clicked on the next song called “18”, which is very ironic because my mom just turned onto a highway and the only other vehicle there was an 18 wheeler in the lane in front of us.  

My mom expected the truck to stop because we were at a green light and they were at a red one, but that wasn't what happened.  We were supposed to go straight and pass the 18 wheeler, but things don't always go the way you want them to. Sometimes they don't go the way you expected either.

My mom was about to pass the 18 wheeler when it turned. Right in front of us.  My mom mumbled a curse word under her breathe as the lyrics “I have loved you since we were 18, long before we both thought the same thing” blasted through the speakers of the red PT Cruiser that was getting ready to brace itself from the gigantic truck that was headed straight towards it.  I jerked forward and buried my face in my knees, getting ready to accept the fact that I won't be able to see tomorrow.  I won't be able to say goodbye to my brothers, my step dad nor my friends.  This was it.  It’s over.  I was waiting to hear a huge a crash and become unconscious from the shattered glass an airbag.  But it didn't happen.  Before I could blink, I felt my mom veer the car to the right.  I looked up and saw the truck swerve the opposite direction.  We were about to hit the curb before my mom aggressively zigzagged the car again to the left this time.

“S***,” my mom mumbled, “We just experienced a miracle from God.” I didn't say anything back, I just sat there frozen from what just happened.  And that's when it all hit me at once.  I broke down crying, which soon led to a horrible anxiety attack. But it's okay.  I’m okay now and that's all that matters.  Yeah, maybe it did permanently damaged my mom’s tires, but it didn't damage us.  

Stories: Quote

The Ups and Downs of my life

I was born to two parents who loved each other very much but got married under secrecy. They told me the same story every time I asked how they met. My father is a Hispanic man who loves his cultural and my mother is this pale white woman.  
My parents did not have great success in staying in one place. They were homeless most of their time together. I was born in Pearl, Mississippi and went home to a trailer in a trailer park. I was a twin, the youngest. Marinna was the oldest by two minutes. She and I were born with half of a heart. We looked exactly the same, but she died less than a hour after she was born. I got a new heart and shocking lived.

I had to stay in the hospital for almost a year then that's when were moved to this homeless shelter until I was three. I remember lying on the ground with these homemade crayons because we simply did not have the money to buy crayons. Finally, we got to a steady place, an apartment, but that's when my mom became a hoarder.

Before my fifth birthday we moved into the house I still live in now. Now for the past four years, my parents have seen a dramatic change in me--lying, stealing, being too close with people. When my family on my mom’s side left us, I started finding out more about myself. My great great grandparents were immigrants from South America; they moved from Argentina to Brazil, from Brazil they went to Mexico where my great-grandparents met. Then they immigrated to Texas where my grandpa met my grandma, then they had my dad and uncle.

Then in my 7th-grade year, I let it all out. When my mom’s side abandoned me, I have had this behavior that was so bad. I became so rebellious. It led to, if I made one silly mistake, I would get spanked with a belt or get slapped in the face. I was told every day I wasn't wanted, wasn't important. I have gotten slapped in the face several times.  
The 6th-grade year was the worst year, the darkest year yet.  I was this happy, go lucky girl who looked like she had everything, but no I was depressed, filled with anxiety, and simply didn’t want to be here anymore. One day during April, I was rushed into the E.R. at 9 pm. My friend was scared for me, and she told her mom that she was afraid that I had overdosed, so she called the police. The cops knocked on our door; I went to the door to answer it, but freaked out and yelled, “MOM THE POLICE ARE AT THE DOOR!” She got up and yelled for my dad.

They asked for me. We had this whole conversation, but in my head I kept yelling, “I can't believe I have lied to a police officer.” The police officer told me he had to drive me to the E.R. for several tests.

Then the words came out of his mouth, “Excuse me ma'am, I am going to need you to put your arms behind your back where I can see them.” He pulled out the handcuffs and cuffed my hands. My mom ran and cried in her room, my dad followed behind the car. Those tests, a urine test, blood test, etc lend to nothing. Nothing was wrong. I was able to go home at 3 a.m. in the morning the next day. I had three hours of sleep before going to school again.
After being handcuffed and being rushed into an E.R. because I could not simply take life anymore, I was put on antidepressants for a while-- not anymore though. Now that I have accepted who I truly am, I can deal with things now.

Stories: Quote

My Life When I was 3 to Now
I woke up bright and early and went to the kitchen in Leavenworth, Kansas. I was only three at this time, and lived with my dad who was a single parent. I got up and went to get my dad, but when I entered his room, he wasn’t there.
Well I went and sat on the couch thinking maybe my dad told my aunt and uncle to pick me up. That's when my dad came home, but when I saw him, I knew something wasn’t right; he had someone behind him. In confusion I just asked for breakfast since I was too young to do it on my own. The person behind him walked by me then I hid behind the couch. My dad laughed a little and went to make me breakfast and left me in awkwardness with the other person. The other person was a girl and it was so quiet, we just stared at each other in silence until my dad finally broke the silence with breakfast.
I ate breakfast then my dad told me he had the day off, which made me happy, until he said that the girl in the living room was his girlfriend. I was surprised and amazed, but she scared me.  I did not trust her; after a few days of getting to know her, I started to like her and she started to like me. Crystal started staying more and more. After New Years came my fourth birthday; it was the worst birthday because everyone had forgotten it and I was hurt.
On January 5th, my dad told me happy birthday. I just glared at him and pointed to the calendar. He instantly looked down then back up at me knowing that he forgot one of the most important days of the year. My dad handed me a present that he forgot to give me on my birthday and told me to open it. I opened it and it was a small stuffed tan little bunny I hugged it then my dad. A couple years later my dad got married to Crystal and we had a blast. Then when I was in first grade we decided to move Missouri and that's when things went downhill.
My dad smoked like he always had and had smoked as long a I can remember. When he didn’t smoke, he had anger issues. He would hit us kids and hurt us if he didn’t smoke.. My step mom Crystal hurt me worse; she spanked me with a belt and it hurt. One time I couldn’t sit down for a whole week because my bottom hurt so bad. Soon my dad divorced Crystal which made me really happy, but strangely I missed her and I called her every morning. Another year later we moved to Orchard Park Apartments.That's when my dad met someone else. She’s pretty with red hair and blue eyes; she was also really nice. Me, my brother, and my sister loved her.
My older sister Jessica is amazing. Yes, she's mean sometimes, but she’s a great sister and she loves books. My older brother Thomas is a gamer. He loves games except he yells at them a lot. He's also super tall; I’m waiting for the day he hits his head on the door. My little step brother Ryan is very rowdy and he's autistic and very messy.  My new mom is the best. She’s not really new anymore, but she's still awesome. I have two other sisters by that's a story for another time and place.
Well now I’m  in eighth grade and happy. I’ve made tons of friends and my dad’s gotten a whole lot better. I wish my real mom could see me now, but she lives in Texas with my two other sisters. My dog Ranger and Grandpa may have died, but I’ve learned how to move on and this has been my story. I might have more stories, but who knows what the future holds. If my story matches yours at all, that means you’re not alone. No one is alone; we all have someone who cares about us.

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Ever since I was born, I always had the thought in my head that the dad is supposed to stay, I would be “daddy’s little girl”, and so on. Whenever someone “passes”, you think of all the things you could have done with them or things you could have said, right? When my brother passed away, my dad, who isn’t really my dad, which is a whole different story, acted as if it was nothing.  We had my baby brother cremated. He was a stillborn; the definition of that is “an infant born dead”. We gave my “dad” a necklace with his ashes and he said he put it in a safe place. But really he put in his bathroom and now he can’t even find it. It hurts that he doesn’t even care since he helped make him.

Stories: Quote

It’s Just Life
My story is busy; I am in middle school dealing with middle school problems. I have to deal with friends, family, school, and crushes. My friends are a handful. I have about 20 in total, but I’m not popular if you are thinking that. My friends get in a bit of fights.
I do have trouble at my home; my brothers are in their room all the time on their XBoxes. We will play XBox games together very rarely with my second oldest brother, but the oldest will never play with us because they’re both teenagers.
Also my parents are not doing so hot either; they are getting into fights, problems at work, and it’s not good when your dad has a bit of anger issues. My dad thinks we are hoarders because there are four kids in the house and junk will get in the floor from day to day, but I think he is saying that because, oh don't make me get started, on the kitchen counter or table. Also my parents keep fighting about work ( p.s. they work at the same place) how everyone is a idiot and no one is working. Plus with all that, I have a lot of homework if you know what I mean. And having to get up early is not an easy thing. Also with basketball and church I am a busy person. And that’s ok, It's just life I’m fine with it.

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